Calculator on invoice sheet.
Calculator on invoice sheet.

Swiss leasing providers lure you with attractive leasing rates. The following article shows how many Swiss sausages Andreas, 39, can afford by opting for a car subscription instead of a lease.

Saving money by correctly calculating your leasing costs

The idea of enjoying a free St. Gallen sausage with Gold Bürli bread and a Pepita softdrink every other day is tempting for many. The Sternengrill in Zurich shapes the cityscape at Bellevue and is known throughout Switzerland. However, this traditional house also has to pay rent and wages, so the St. Gallen sausage costs CHF 7.50 and the Pepita CHF 5.

However, many new car drivers could enjoy these Swiss delicacies "for free" every other day. All they have to do is calculate their leasing costs correctly from the outset, as there is great potential for savings in this respect. On the basis of St. Gallen sausage fan Andreas, 39, we have calculated the leasing for you.

Andreas and his car lease: it’s all about doing the math

Our St. Gallen sausage fan Andreas wants to find out what a new VW Tiguan costs in leasing. The original price of his dream car is CHF 53'400. A second-hand car is out of the question for him. Andreas wants to lease the VW Tiguan for 36 months and drive 20,000 kilometres a year. A leasing provider refers to the monthly fee of only CHF 625. This sounds tempting at first.

However, Andreas is sceptical and asks what other costs he has to take into account. The dealer explains to him that, in addition to the monthly leasing instalment, he of course has to include a down payment and the costs for the obligatory fully comprehensive insurance. Andreas considers what the dealer has not yet mentioned: taxes, registration, vignette, tyre change, repairs and much more. He has to have the service done in an expensive brand garage. This is getting more and more complicated for Andreas. Finally, Andreas calculates the total monthly costs for his leasing:

  • Monthly leasing instalment of CHF 625
  • Advance payment of CHF 10'000, makes CHF 275 per month
  • Fully comprehensive insurance for CHF 140 per month
  • Taxes, registration fee and road tax sticker make CHF 42 per month
  • Tyres, tyre change and tyre storage for CHF 80.00
  • Various repairs and services for CHF 30.

Andreas is shocked: It makes a total of CHF 1,192 per month! This is almost twice the monthly leasing rate offered by the car dealer. He wants to reconsider the leasing and starts looking for alternatives.

Andreas' alternative to leasing: a car subscription

During his research, Andreas comes across various providers of car subscriptions. At Carvolution the VW Tiguan costs CHF 989 per month. From insurance to taxes to service, all costs are included - all except for refuelling. Andreas quickly realizes: with the car subscription he saves CHF 203 per month compared to leasing. And there is another advantage: he no longer has to take care of anything himself, because even the tyres are changed outside his front door at his home. What particularly pleases him: with the CHF 203 saved, Andreas can enjoy a St. Gallen sausage with Pepita from the Sternengrill around 16 times a month - or even invite friends.

If you are not based in Zurich, we still want to tell you the place for the best sausage. Here is our selection:

  • The classic in St. Gallen: Butcher's shop Schmid, St. Jakobstrasse 48, 9000 St. Gall. Alternatively directly at the St. Gallen railway station in front of platform 1
  • The innovative ones with 62 sausage creations from Schüpfen: Butcher's shop Stettler Schüpfen GmbH, Bergackerweg 1, 3054 Schüpfen
  • The best sausage in Vaud: Café du Grütli, rue de la Mercerie 4, 1003 Lausanne
  • The award-winning version from Chur: Macelleria Zanetti, Station Square 2, CH-7000, Chur

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