Carvolution kundin jessica
Carvolution kundin jessica

Jessica is 22 years old, lives in the canton of Graubünden and works as a saleswoman. In this interview, she tells us how she became aware of Carvolution, what particularly convinced her about the car subscription and to whom she recommends it. Read more in the blog about Jessica and her experience with Carvolution.

Jessica, how did you find out about Carvolution?

My friend read an article about Carvolution on 20min and told me about it. I had just passed my exams and was looking for a car. I was immediately convinced by the concept of Carvolution and wanted to sign up for a car subscription. So my friend and I looked into it more intensively.

Was buying or leasing an option?

At the beginning I played with the idea of a used car but when I heard about Carvolution, it was clear to me that neither a used car nor leasing was an option.

Did you already know something about the car subscription itself?

No, nothing at all. When my friend and I looked into the car subscription in more detail, then our questions were answered very well on the Carvolution website, so everything became clear very quickly.

Why did you finally choose Carvolution?

The all-inclusive bundle convinced me the most. I don't have any paperwork, Carvolution takes care of everything around the car. I can choose which car I want and how big my mileage package should be. I am able to pick everything comfortably by myself and if I need more information, I can book a consultation. Of course, the price was also a decisive reason for me to go for Carvolution. Especially as a teenager, you often don't have the financial means to buy or lease a new car, that’s also why the Carvolution car subscription was the ideal solution for me.

How did the booking process work?

The booking process was very simple: on the Carvolution website I fixed on a car with my friend, filled in all the necessary information and completed everything. After I submitted the missing documents, I was called, all was explained again and a date for the car handover was arranged. On this date a handover specialist from the Carvolution team brought the car to my door. He explained everything about the car again and I had the opportunity to ask more questions until everything was clear.

Which car did you choose?

I drive the Renault Clio. For my first car, the Clio is the ideal size. I am more than satisfied with the handling and comfort.

How does the car subscription help you in everyday life?

Since I need a car to go shopping and to work, it's just convenient to not have to worry about anything except filling up the tank.

Who do you recommend Carvolution to?

Everyone, because it's a great thing to do.

Do you use the app?

Yes, in the app I have a complete overview of how high my tank level is, how many kilometers I have driven and you can also find an overview of the bills in the app.

Have you ever changed your mileage package through the app?

No, not yet, but I find this function in the app very practical. You can easily change the mileage package if you want to.

What do you miss about Carvolution?

Nothing, I am completely satisfied.

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