Client Sandra Blog 1300x400
Client Sandra Blog 1300x400

When Sandra needed a new car, she looked at various options - and decided to go for a car subscription. In an interview, the employee of a bank reveals what was decisive for her and why she will certainly never buy or lease a car again.

You have been driving a car on subscription for three years. How did you find out about Carvolution?

Three years ago I realized that my old car needed to be replaced. At the same time, I asked myself what I should do next. When I saw a Carvolution advertisement, I thought it might suit me.


I liked the "all inclusive" promise. At the same time, I wondered if it was really all-inclusive.

How did you check?

After an extensive internet search, I called Carvolution. I can still remember the conversation with Sales Manager Joshua very clearly. He was really interested in my needs. I was able to place all my wishes. Also my colour wish, as that is important to me. Maybe that's a woman's thing, who knows (laughs). I was definitely very impressed with the conversation as a whole, as it was very different from my previous experiences.

What did you experience?

Like probably many women, I don't find it funny when you are treated as a "woman" in a garage. So if the bill is twice as much, it's annoying and you feel unfairly treated. My rather bad experiences are a major reason why I am so enthusiastic about Carvolution and the all-inclusive bundle. For me, it means that I no longer have to put myself in such unpleasant situations, nor do I have to worry about high and sometimes almost arbitrary bills.

What happened after the consultation?

Shortly after the consultation, I received the offer. It included details of the next steps should I decide to go with Carvolution. After checking my creditworthiness, I was able to sign the contract directly online. It was all transparent and nothing unexpected came up. After that, the car was delivered to me exactly on the agreed date.

Did you do a total cost calculation beforehand?

Yes, because at the beginning I was unsure whether buying a new car or leasing could be a better solution than the car subscription. I asked a colleague for advice and he did a detailed calculation of the total costs with me. In other words, I looked at purchase value, depreciation, taxes, insurance, tyres and many other costs. That's how I came to the conclusion that the car subscription is worth it for me. Also because I can budget for it properly. I don't have to bother with paperwork. I simply don't have to worry about anything.

So price was a big issue?

Yes, the price is always an issue. Apart from the fact that a car from Carvolution is cheaper than if I had bought a new car, I would have a big write-off in the first two years with a new car. My father had told me that a car is like a piggy bank, when you buy one you have to put money aside as something can always happen. But with the car subscription I have a clean monthly price, I know exactly what I'm getting for it and that's so 150 per cent right for me.

So you're happy with what you get for your money?

Yes, in addition to the car, I get an all-round carefree package. I don't have to worry about anything. And although I give my car a name, for me it's simply a commodity and it has to be reliable and work. With Carvolution, that's exactly what I get. I can really do everything with the car that I need in my life.

Would you buy a car again?

No, I will definitely not buy a car again. I am convinced that the car subscription is interesting for a lot of drivers. For me as a working woman who is always on the road, there is nothing better and the price-performance ratio is great.

Did you have anything else to do with Carvolution apart from the consultation and car handover?

Yes, when another car caused me parking damage, I wasn't sure how it would work now. Carvolution referred me to one of their partner garages where I live. I didn't have to worry about anything, as promised. The garage settled everything - including the bill - directly with Carvolution and I even received a replacement car.

Are tyre changes as uncomplicated as this?

Yes, I can also make an appointment with a Carvolution tyre partner within a radius of one kilometre and have the tyres changed.

Do you use the app to contact Carvolution?

I check the kilometres in the app. But otherwise I tend to use the chat on the website when I have questions. It's super fast.

How is the communication with Carvolution?

What I really appreciate about Carvolution is how uncomplicated it is. You're on a first-name basis, you can call at any time, everything is explained to you. I work in the digital sector myself and I think it's great because everything can be done online. Nevertheless, I find it very nice to be here at the company headquarters in Bannwil for the vehicle change and to meet the people behind Carvolution in person.

Why did you change cars?

At first I only chose the Ford Fiesta for 12 months, but then I was able to extend it for another year. Now my needs have changed a bit. Since my husband and I often go on holiday with our parents, we need a bit more space. The Ford Puma is the perfect fit.

How did the change go?

Since I always plan early, I wanted to know in January whether a change in July was possible. In a video call with sales manager Catrina, we looked at which model should follow the Fiesta. So we quickly came up with the Ford Puma. Shortly afterwards, Catrina got in touch and said that Carvolution had a special offer for the car. So I was able to switch at the beginning of March.

Do you adjust the kilometre package each time?

When I renewed the subscription with the Ford Fiesta, I had accumulated unused kilometres over the months. So in order not to pay more than I really need, Carvolution advised me to change to the smallest kilometre package during the last months of the subscription, so that everything would add up until the return. Now I've been using the extra kilometres for the last few months, paying less and the bottom line is that it all adds up.

Is there anything you miss about Carvolution?

We were once interested in a convertible. Unfortunately, Carvolution only had the Fiat 500, which is too small for us.

What do you want from Carvolution?

In any case, the concept of car subscription should become even better known, because among our friends there are still people who don't know Carvolution or don't quite understand the concept. The potential there is still really huge.

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